CT 73 Iambic Magnet Tension Brass Lever Paddle

CT 73 Iambic Magnet Tension Brass Lever Paddle by UR5CDX. New & Boxed

@va3agv - www.va3agv.com

CT 73 Dual (Iambic) Magnet Tension Top Brass Lever Paddle by UR5CDX. New and boxed.The professional hand crafted design features mirror like brass polish, double silver contacts and paddle tag including paddle type. The paddle is fully adjustable and weighs a hefty 1.3 kg with the base measuring 100 x 90 x 54 mm. The paddle has a long lead terminated to suit virtually any radio.

Solid Automatic Paddle Key Morse Code Key CW Keyer For HAM Radio

@va3agv - www.va3agv.com

CW Equipment - Keyer Paddles